Work Husband and Work Wife Pt. 2

Kris’ Take: I just wanted to give you all an update as to why relationships in America are deteriorating, this is an article I found at CNN. What’s worse is that they actually say there is a place you should draw the line, like there is some kind of moral behind this. How about not ever engaging in flirting at work when you’re in a relationship? They even try to “class it up” by mentioning how it could lead to possible temptation of adultery. That kind of thinking can justify anything! “Why do you want to play russian roulette?” “Because there is a chance I could win” This is a good example of how people are willing to throw everything on an altar so they can enhance their careers, I’m thoroughly disgusted. Don’t start a family if you’re looking for flings, all you’ll do is hurt so many more people than yourself. They even have a story in there about a woman who was flirting while pregnant with her second child!
Click to Read Work Husband Work Wife Pt. 1

Blind Love